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Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy

Aside from the benefits we can get in geothermal energy, there is also disadvantages mentioned below:

  • Potential emissions – Greenhouse gas below Earth’s surface can potentially migrate to the surface and into the atmosphere.

  • Distribution costs – If geothermal energy is transported long distances, cost can become prohibitive.

  • Sustainability questions – Some studies show that reservoirs can be depleted if the fluid is removed faster than replaced.

  • Cost of Powering the Pump – Geothermal heat pumps need a power source.

  • May Run Out of Steam: You have to be incredibly careful when you are trying to check everything that is related to geothermal energy.

  • High costs to construct geothermal plants.

  • Sites must be located in prime areas, requiring long distance transmission, which is often costly.

  • The introduction of water is considered wasteful and possibly harmful to the environment.

  • Emissions of sulfur dioxide and silica are often an issue.

  • The process of drilling into heated rock is problematic.

  • The cost of drilling wells to the geothermal reservoir is very expensive.

  • It may release harmful gases

  • Geothermal heat coming from the reservoir below may die down or run out of steam even after years of activity.

  • Construction of geothermal power plants has the potential to cause surface instability and trigger earthquakes.

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